HOW TO MAKE BEEF LASAGNA LIKE AN ITALIAN – “Beef lasagna is a well-loved family meal all over the world and my version with a trio of cheeses, béchamel and homemade tomato passata in a word is: SUBLIME. Between each moist layer of fresh egg pasta sheets is a mixture of veal and pork mince, smothered in sweet tomato sauce. There are two key things to make yours as good as mine – you need patience and quality ingredients, no shredded mozzarella or cheap passata here. No need to thank me, just make it, eat it and share it”. Video by Vincenzo’s Plate.
INGREDIENTS BEEF LASAGNA: 500g/17.65oz organic grass fed veal mince, 500g/17.65oz organic grass fed pork mince, 1 carrot (diced into small cubes), 1 celery stick (diced into small cubes), ½ brown onion…
Leggi l’intero articolo su:
[VIDEO RECIPE] How to Make BEEF LASAGNA Like an Italian
[VIDEO RICETTA] Frittelle Salate di Patate Dolci con Salsa allo Yogurt - Chef Bruno Barbieri
[VIDEO RICETTA] Riso alla Carbonese - Fatto in Casa per Voi con Benedetta Rossi
[VIDEO RICETTA] Gnocchi di Patate che Non Avete Mai Provato Prima - Ricetta Facile
[VIDEO RICETTA] Pomodori Ripieni - Chef Bruno Barbieri